When it was time to plan this little guys smash cake mama said that she wanted a Dalmatian themed smash cake. To accomplish this I went with a white backdrop with paw prints, puppy printouts and some balloons. Mama supplied his outfit which was this cute shirt with spots and it spelled out ONE.

I had the birthday boy hold a O N and E for individual shots so that I could put them together in this collage. He was having a bit of fun with the letters.

Next it was time to break out with the smash cake supplied by Monicakes which had paw prints on it and a cute little collar. We changed this little guy into his second outfit which was suspender and a cute boy tie. Now it's time to get messy!

He was enjoying the cake and got quite a bit in his mouth and also quite a bit all over him. It's okay it's not called a smash cake for nothing and he was digging in and making a mess all while having a good time.

Then he started to take smashing the cake a little more serious by getting his foot involved. We all had a good time and I'm looking forward to having more sessions with this little guy.